b'CHAIRMANS MESSAGEThis past year, in particular the past sixWe are fortunate to have such partnerships with VicHealth months, has been like no other. It wouldand SRV and we thank them both for their support and commitment to Vicsport. We are also very fortunate to have be reasonable to assume that it has beenthe support of the Minister, the Hon. Ros Spence MP who an experience that none of us have hadtook over the community sport portfolio from the Hon. to endure before. The impact on our lives,Martin Pakula MP in March. We thank both Ministers and the our mental and physical health and on ourexceptional people in their teams.livelihood has challenged us all to find newI would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow board ways to cope. The sad part is that each ofmembers Tanya Gallina, Catherine Harding, Margot Foster us most likely know at least someone whoAM, Derek OLeary, Jamie Parsons, Susan Smith, Simon has not coped. Brookhouse, Peter Filopoulos and Tim Large (ex-officio). A big thank you as well, to our members, SSAs, RSAs, LGAs It is so hard to fathom that Victoria, known as the sportingand preferred suppliers and partners in particular:capital of the world, has had on the whole, no sport of any kind. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedentedSport and Recreation Victoriachallenges that has seen community and professional sportVicHealthin Victoria be cancelled and non-existent for so many. ItSportsLinkis when sport is taken away from us that we realise theGray Nicolls Sportsimportant role it plays in providing not only physical exerciseDeakin Universitybut team, community, engagement and emotional release.Victoria UniversityWe have missed it more that we will ever admit, and theCentre for Sport and Social Impact, La Trobe University impact of its absence will not be fully known for years toGlobal Wellness Trackingcome I would suggest.BunningsVictorian Responsible Gambling FoundationWhilst Vicsport has also had to redefine its way of doingSouthern Cross Trophiesthis, our resolve and purpose has not changed. Indeed, ourStack Sportspurpose is even more resolute as we step up our support forMy Sport Livethe sporting community of Victoria.Lander and RogersGallagherThe disruptions have resulted in a significant shift in the roleSports Accounting Australiaof Vicsport. Our mission of supporting sport and recreationHR Advice Onlinein Victoria has taken on new meaning. This year, moreInvolve Creativethan ever, Vicsport has been there to support the sportingSportspeople Recruitmentcommunity, providing expertise, advice, education and aSportsGroupwealth of resources to assist our member organisations and the community at large through this difficult time.for your ongoing support and contributions. Your enthusiasm and passion are what drives and motivates us. It We know only too well that sport and recreational activityis for you that we are here. I am excited about what we have enriches our lives, gives us purpose, builds a sense ofplanned for the new financial year and I look forward to what community and helps balance our mental and physical well- now lies ahead.being. That is why we have continued to deliver messages of hope, encouraging physical activity during the lockdownFinally, I would like to formally acknowledge the efforts period even if it is just a short walk for a limited period ofof our dedicated and hardworking executive team led by time over a limited distance. My hope is that we have usedour exceptional CEO Lisa Hasker. This small but effective this time to be one of reflection on those things that matterteam has worked tirelessly through the most difficult of and the people in our lives that mean so much to us. I hopetimes. Their dedication and commitment as well as their that we have learned much about what is important and howdetermination to be totally supportive of the entire Victorian we work harder to protect and support them. These crisessports community has, I know, made significant positive do create opportunities. Whatever beyond 2020 looks like,difference to so many. We will look back on this year as one I hope that you have been able to take those learnings, theof growth and achievement through adversity.new way of doing things and the time for reflection to make permanent positive adjustments going forward.Ron Gauci / ChairmanVICSPORT02'