b'YEAR IN REVIEWPARTICIPATION AND INNOVATIONAcross both workshops, 115 people attended representing 72 organisations. Presentations to showcase programs which VICSPORT INNOVATION LAB demonstrated effective use of the principles included:Bowls Victorias Bowling with BabiesThis year saw the launch of a new program, the VicsportFootball Victorias VicHealth Soccer MumsInnovation Lab. The aim of the lab is to assist organisationsGippsports Latrobe Streetgameswith the development of new ideas to increase participationMaribyrnong Councils Spring into Summerin sport or recreation by less active Victorians. Each projectMordialloc Community Centreuses a human centred design based innovation process toWyndham Track and Field Clubbring clarity and creativity to sport development programs. Vicsport put out an expression of interest for organisationsDoing Sport Differently Webinar Seriesto be part of the inaugural program. Three Innovation Lab projects were then conducted: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vicsport coordinated three City of Casey:Investigating how to recruit and trainDoing Sport Differently online webinars over three weekswomen from culturally and linguistically diversebetween June 24-July 8 in partnership with VicHealth and backgrounds to lead physical activity programs. the CSSI.City of Greater Dandenong: Investigating theopportunities for collaborations between sport,The series was aimed at sport and recreation clubs, recreation and health promotion organisations toassisting them to restore confidence in participants and encourage greater physical activity from populationvolunteers as well as providing a positive and safe customer groups identified in the City of Greater Dandenongsexperience following COVID-19. They featured pre-Make Your Move physical activity strategy. recorded presentations from experts in the field, filmed by CSSI and Vicsport, which were made available post-webinar Ice Sports Victoria: Investigating how to increase participation in different ice sports by people withfor clubs, SSAs, RSAs and LGAs to download and utilise in disability by providing a positive end-to-end customertheir own localised webinars to unpack local challenges and experience. opportunities. The webinars also included panel discussions on understanding the barriers to sport for participants and co-designing practical solutions, considering how DOING SPORT DIFFERENTLYmembers connect and different ways to reach out to non-members, thinking about participants as customers Vicsports partnership with VicHealth continued with a focusand considering their total experience, using empathy to on the promotion of the Doing Sport Differently principlesdesign experiences, addressing participants fears followinga set of six high level principles guiding the design andCOVID-19 and supporting participants back into activity. delivery of sport programs for less active people, developedThese panel discussions featured speakers from:by VicHealth in partnership with the Centre for Sport and Social Impact, La Trobe University (CSSI). CSSI VicHealthVicsport took on a leading role in organising presentations,Moreland City Councilforums and workshops to assist members to utilise theCity of Stonningtonprinciples and apply them practically to their work. Regional Sport Victoria Tennis VictoriaDoing Sport Differently Roadshows Triathlon VictoriaNetball AustraliaFollowing VicHealths successful launch of the principles atAthletics AustraliaMSAC in September 2019, Vicsport organised to take the principles on the road and coordinated two workshopsAcross the three webinars, over 750 people tuned in from in outer Melbourne with the support of VicHealth and theover 100 sport and recreation organisations. Following CSSI. The roadshow events were held in Keysborough andthe conclusion of the series, a webpage was created on Werribee in November 2019, with attendees from LGAs,the Vicsport website to house the pre-recorded videos, RSAs, SSAs, sport leagues, clubs and also health promotionpanel discussions as well as resources to enable sport clubs organisations. and associations to Do Sport Differently during and after COVID-19. Further resources including work done by Leisure Networks that utilised the Doing Sport Differently principles and co-design thinking from VicHealth, Western Australian Council of Social Service, IDEO.org and Stanford University were also provided.08'