b'THE YEAR IN REVIEWADVOCACYChild Safety Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) NetworkVicsport, with support from SRV, continued to provideVicsport, with funding support from SRV, facilitated the MPIO assistance for sports regarding the 11 Victorian Child SafeNetwork consisting of SSAs, RSAs and key stakeholder staff Standards. This included the facilitation of Child Safe Sportworking in and around member protection issues in Victoria. Community of Practices for child safe leads from SSAs,During the year, the Network had access to:SSRBs, and RSAs. During the year, the topics included: Three (3) Industry Forums (164 attendees)Cultural Safety for Aboriginal children, young peopleMPIO and the National Integrity Frameworkand their families (VACSAL) update- Vicsport CEO Forum (Lander & Rogers) Empowering LGBTIQ+ children and young people eSafety in Sport (eSafety Commissioner)Childrens experience of disclosing interpersonalMPIO Training Review (Morgan Lander)violence in community sport (Victoria University) Three (3) MPIO newsletters sent (290 recipients).Start the conversation (Play By The Rules).The MPIO newsletters included recaps of previousAlongside the Community of Practice, Vicsport continuedmeetings, information on upcoming meetings andto provide ongoing advice and support to professionalspromoted MPIO training including Fair Play Code,and volunteers via the Vicsport help desk, presentations atPlay by the Rules and Sport Integrity Australia resources. industry and club development forums (Football VictoriaHelp desk assistance to manage member protection staff, Football Victoria Club Change Maker Program, Croquetissues.Victoria Child Safe Network and Melbourne Victory Football Club) as well as the management of the Vicsport OnlineGovernanceChild Safe Education Program powered by etrainu. Vicsport hosted a series of governance workshops designed Since launching the program in March 2023, 1,876 usersfor CEOs, senior managers and existing and aspiring across 74 organisations have registered to complete thedirectors in sport governance. Delivered by industry experts, Child Safe Education Modules. these sessions provided valuable information and case studies on a range of topics across three workshops for 266 total attendees:Board Policies and Procedures (Lander & Rogers)Risk Management (Sport Integrity Governance Partners- SIGPA)Sport Integrity (Lander & Rogers)6'