b'ORGANISATIONSUPPORTAn ongoing fundamental role of Vicsport is to provide strategic support to Victorian sport organisations, funded by Sport and Recreation Victoria and VicHealth.In 2023-2024, this support included facilitating strategic reviews, developing plans and policies as well as building the capacity and capability of organisations. Vicsport worked on the following projects in 2023-2024: SRV FUNDED EVENTS AND PROJECTS PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS MPIO NETWORK MEETINGS164 Attendees from:(ONLINE)29 SSAs 7 Leagues & Associations 22 JULY 2023, 10 DECEMBER 2023,7 RSAs11 Clubs 13 DECEMBER 20232 LGAs4 Other organisations6 NSOs GOVERNANCE SUPPORT WORKSHOPS266 Attendees from: (ONLINE AND IN-PERSON) 41 SSAs12 Leagues & Associations 3 APRIL 2024, 8 MAY 2024, 6 JUNE 20244 RSAs 11 Clubs7 LGAs13 Other organisations11 NSOs CHILD SAFE SPORT COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE92 Attendees from: (IN-PERSON)21 SSAs 1 Leagues & Associations 2ND AUGUST 2023, 6TH DECEMBER 2023, 5 RSAs2 Associates 13TH FEBRUARY 20245 NSOs8 Other organisationsAthletics VictoriaLacrosse VictoriaAquatics and Recreation Little Athletics Victoria VictoriaNRL VictoriaVICSPORT GUIDING SPORTBiathlon AustraliaRiding for the DisabledBasketball VictoriaVic Inc. Football VictoriaSports Medicine AustraliaIce Sports VictoriaVolleyball VictoriaVICHEALTH FUNDED EVENTS AND PROJECTS PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS94 Attendees from: CONNECT & SUPPORT PARTICIPATION NETWORK21 SSAs 5 Associates(IN-PERSON)2 RSAs 3 Leagues & Associations20 JULY 2023, 12TH SEPTEMBER 2023, 10 LGAs5 Association16 NOVEMBER 2023, 29TH FEBRUARY 20243 NSOs4 Other organisations 37 Attendees from: 2023 DOING SPORT DIFFERENTLY FORUM10 SSAs 2 Associates (IN-PERSON) 4 RSAs 4 Other organisations6TH MARCH 2024, 29TH APRIL 20244 LGAs 1 NSOs Archery VictoriaSwimming VictoriaBaseball VictoriaTable Tennis VictoriaRAINBOW ROADMAPHandball VictoriaVolleyball Victoria12'