b'THE YEAR IN REVIEWPARTICIPATION AND INCLUSION Trans and Gender Divers InclusionEqual the ContestDuring Pride Month, 48 sport administrators immersed LGBTIQ+ themselves in a full-day event designed to strengthen their Vicsport continued our commitment to provide a placeknowledge and confidence with engaging and supporting in sport for everyone, exactly as they are, through severalTrans and Gender Diverse (TGD) People, and women in initiatives, workshops and events as well as our partnershipsports and active recreation settings. This event was split into with Proud 2 Play.two sections.The Vicsport team took part in the Midsumma Pride March1.Film screening of Equal the Contest. A documentaryin February as part of the Rainbow Sports Alliance (RSA).about the Mt. Alexander Falcons, a local communityThe RSA facilitates a collective and inclusive environmentAFL club, led by and for women, as well as gender- encompassing 28 members from a range of SSAs, LGAsdiverse people. and NSOs with the purpose to develop collaboration and2.Be the change; a facilitated workshop that providedshared learning throughout the sports industry, ensuring thepractical ways to support TGD people and their familiesLGBTIQ+ community is included, supported and celebrated.as well as strategies that SSAs can implement in order toVicsport, with funding support from VicHealth and inassist their clubs to support TGD people.partnership with Proud 2 Play, delivered two (2) educationalAustralian Pride in Sport Awardsand awareness raising events for the industry: At the 2024 Australian Pride in Sport Awards, Vicsport Wear It Purple Day EventEmpowering LGBTIQ+was awarded status as a Gold Sporting Organisation, Children and Young People recognising the work achieved through 2023 to make the Victorian sporting industry more accessible for the LGBTIQ+ Delivered in partnership with Proud 2 Play and supportedcommunity.by VicHealth, Vicsports Wear It Purple Day event featuredEach year, Pride in Sport creates a national benchmarking presenters Emily Sanders (Director Regulation at thetool for LGBTIQ+ inclusion through their Pride in Sport Commission for Children and Young People), Rebecca HerftIndex. Driving best practices and setting comparative (Sponsorship and Partnerships Coordinator at Minus18),standards for sporting associations and clubs, the Index 16-year old trans athlete Ace McWilliams and their Mumallows organisations to submit their work completed in Tiarna as well as AIS Thrive with Pride ambassador KalindaDiversity and Inclusion spaces which is then tallied and Robinson.scored out of 100. A score of 60+ earns organisations Gold The one-day summit aimed to strengthen the Victorian sportand Vicsport achieved that mark in the 2024 Awards.industrys understanding and confidence with empoweringVicsport has utilised the Pride in Sport Index to create an LGBTIQ+ children and young people by linking ideas to theLGBTIQ+ action plan to ensure best practices continue to be Victorian Child Safe Standards that also celebrated Wear Itmet while conversations with members have proved just as Purple Day. important when formulating plans for sustainable change.8'