b'CHAIRS MESSAGEI hope this message finds you well. It is both an honour and aA big thank you to our preferred suppliers and partners in privilege to provide this years Annual Review. As Chair, I amparticular:delighted to have the opportunity to reflect on our past year,Sport and Recreation Victoriacelebrate our achievements, and look forward to the excitingVicHealthjourney that lies ahead. AED AuthorityThe team at Vicsport, led by Lisa Hasker, has once againAFL SportsReadyproved its worth through the delivery of key initiatives for theBunnings TradeVictorian sport and active recreation industry in the areas of:Centre for Sport and Social Impact, La Trobe Universitysport for all abilities, member protection, integrity, diversityDeakin Universityand inclusion, child safety, innovation as well as networkingetrainuand education events. The team has also completed aGallaghernumber of bespoke projects that continue to address specificHR Advice Onlineneeds for our members. ISC SportInvolve CreativeThe 2023 Victorian Sports Awards event, held in June 2024Lander & Rogersat Marvel Stadium, was a great success. A record number ofLeasexpressnominations were received and 18 award winners, as well asLove the Game Not the Odds72 finalists, were recognised alongside Dr Peter Brukner OAMMy Sport Livewho was honoured with the highest accolade of the night,Polytanthe State Government Outstanding Contribution to VictorianProud 2 PlaySport Award.rebelrevolutioniseSPORTAs always, we are delighted to have the support of SRV andSouthern Cross TrophiesVicHealth and we thank them both for their support andSportspeople Recruitmentcommitment to Vicsport. We look forward to continuing toSports Accounting Australiawork with the Hon. Ros Spence and Dr Sandro Demaio andSports Excellence Scholarship Fundtheir respective teams at SRV and VicHealth to work towardsSports Marketing Australiaour mutual goals of increasing the physical activity levels,VAILOwell-being and sporting involvement of all Victorians. VicReturnIn closing, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each I would like to extend my special thanks to the entire team atand every one of you for your continued support and Vicsport as well as my fellow board members. I thank themengagement. It is through our collective efforts that we will for their enthusiasm and input as we look to the next stagecontinue to thrive and achieve new heights. in the evolution of Vicsport and the wider sporting and social landscape it supports. Together, let us embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead with optimism and determination.Thank you.Ritchie Hinton / Chair Vicsport2'