b'THE YEAR IN REVIEWDOING SPORT DIFFERENTLYYOUTH PARTICIPATION IN SPORTIn partnership with VicHealth and Senior Research Fellow at theYOUTH PARTICIPATION IN SPORT FORUM Centre for Sport and Social Impact, Dr Erica Randle, VicsportOver 140 people took a deep dive into youth participation coordinated two (2) forums about the Doing Sport Differentlytrends and insights in sport with Professor of Sport (DSD) principles. The six DSD principles guide the design andParticipation and a Behavioural Epidemiologist, Rochelle delivery of sport-based programs that target less-active peopleEime. Rochelle, who is also the Director of PASI (Physical through social and flexible sport.Activity & Sports Insights), showcased the latest trends in The first forum was designed for all sports administratorscommunity sport participation as well as the motivations, looking to gain insights into Doing Sport Differently anddrivers and barriers of youth participants. Throughout the unpack ways that they can be applied to current or newsession, Rochelle also shared personal experiences of her programs for their sport.children and the importance of discovering new ways to play The second forum was co-facilitated by Dr Erica Randle andas two childrens needs and drivers are usually not the same. Michelle Harris, Manager Sector Development & ConsultingGROWING A CAREER IN SPORT from GippSport. The session was designed for sporting clubs and sports administrators that work directly with clubs who areVicsport hosted a Growing a Career in Sport event for 76 looking to attract a more diverse audience and enhance theiryoung professionals and university students looking to environment to be more inclusive and welcoming. Attendeesembark on a career in the sports industry. on the day learned tactics and ways to create change in clubsHeld in the evening, attendees were provided the and how they can bring clubs and others along the journey.opportunity to hear from the following panellists: Jennifer CULTURAL AWARENESS TRAININGMcIntyre (Calisthenics Victoria CEO), Andrea Pearman (Netball Victoria CEO), Oscar Yam (Events and Clubs Vicsport identified the need for cultural awareness trainingOfficer at Table Tennis Victoria), Ryan Walker (Co-Founder, to help increase the industrys knowledge, awarenessSportsGrad) and Angelique Everett (General Manager at and confidence in providing culturally safe and respectfulSportspeople Recruitment).opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Some of the takeaways included skills and attributes that Vicsport engaged Victoria Aboriginal Community Servicesrecruiters are looking for, tips and tricks for nailing interviews Association Ltd (VACSAL), to deliver four (4) cultural awarenessand different approaches to landing a job in the sports training opportunities for SSAs, SSRBs, LGAs and RSAs.industry.The sessions were interactive and looked at several models of cultural bias and the participants current knowledge of Aboriginal Peoples. Some of the topics covered included social values, fear and its effect on cultural interaction, cultural assumptions and where they come from, racism, stereotypes and ethnocentrism as well as white Australia has a black history.10'