b'VICTORIAN SPORT AWARDS2023 VICTORIAN SPORT AWARDSThe Hon. Ros Spence, Minister for Community Sport said: On Wednesday 12 June 2024, the Victorian SportThe awards night celebrates the dedication and Awards was held to acknowledge the achievements ofimportance of our clubs, coaches, officials, those who made an exceptional contribution toadministrators and volunteers across the state - its Victorian sport during the 2023 calendar year. fantastic to see these Victorian icons receive the recognition they deserve. The event was hosted in-person at Marvel StadiumThese awards also provide us with the opportunity with over 380 guests celebrating the states premierto celebrate unsung heroes like Dr Peter Brukner who athletes and grassroots heroes. With State Sportingare integral to the health and success of our sports at Associations and the broader sporting public takinghome and abroad.part in the nomination process, a record number of nominations (244) were received and from those, 19 award winners were announced on the night.Vicsport recognises and thanks My Sport Live for the live-stream of the 2023 Victorian Sport Awards.A highlight of the 2023 Awards included theVicsport and its presenting partner, the State Outstanding Contribution to Victorian Sport AwardGovernment of Victoria, thank the following partners presented to medical doctor and specialist sports andfor their support of the 2023 Victorian Sport Awards: exercise medicine physician Dr Peter Brukner OAM. AED AuthorityFor more than 50 years of service to sports medicine,AFL SportsReadynutrition and volunteering and across a career spanning half a dozen sports and two OlympicBunnings Tradecampaigns, Peter has treated thousands of elite andetrainucommunity level athletes through involvement with fiveGallagherAustralian national teams (swimming, hockey, athletics,Involve football and cricket), 50 years of service to the Melbourne University Football Club along withLeasexpresssignificant contributions to the Toorak East MalvernLove the GameHockey Club, Powerhouse St. Kilda Hockey Club andMy Sport Liveathletics at a state and national level. PolytanThe Kitty McEwan and Frank Wilkes Awards,rebel acknowledging outstanding results for performancesrevolutioniseSPORTat a national and/or international level in the femaleSouthern Cross Trophiesand male category respectively, was dominated bySports Accounting Australiawinter sport athletes.Sports Excellence Scholarship FundJakara Anthony won the Kitty McEwan Award after sheVAILOclaimed nine World Cup medals in 2023 and recordedVicHealththe most successful month of December by anVictorian State GovernmentAustralian winter sports athlete while Scotty James earned the Frank Wilkes Award following a year that included his sixth victory at the X-Games and his eighth World Cup gold medal. Both athletes also won their respective Awards for the second year in a row.1314'