b'ORGANISATIONSUPPORTVICSPORT GUIDING SPORT PROJECTS Little Athletics VictoriaThe following projects were selected by Vicsport and SRVRevise and update the LAVic Board Charter, including through an Expression of Interest process in November 2023.responsibilities and measures around Child SafetyThe following updates are provided as at 30 June 2024. ANRL Victorianumber of projects are scheduled to be completed throughProject support for the wheelchair rugby program for to June 2025. Successful organisations receive consultationhow staff initiate engagement within their community and support from Vicsport for a low fee of 10% of the total projectstructure the program in a positive wayvalue. Riding for the Disabled Victoria Inc. Athletics Victoria Develop a Risk Management plan for the RDAV BoardEnhance the accessibility and inclusivity of athletics throughSports Medicine Australiathe development of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy. Reviewed SMAs Safer Sport training programs to ensure they meet the needs of students and sportsAquatics and Recreation Victoria Review of ARVs Risk Management Framework Volleyball VictoriaBiathlon Australia Develop a West Melbourne Participation Strategy to unlock Governance support to submit an application to be recognisedinterest across diverse multicultural and CALD communities.as a National Sporting Organisation with the Australian SportsCONSULTANCY PROJECTS COMPLETED:Commission The following projects were undertaken by Vicsport in a Basketball Victoriafee-for-service capacity across the 2023/2024 year. Identified how 146 BV associations can be supported to undertake key administrative roles of running associations,Sunraysia Academy of Sport including; human resource management, finances, informationCompletion of Strategic Plan 2023-26technology, marketing and communications Judo Victoria Football Victoria Developed a Risk RegisterEstablish a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework to guideFootball Victoriaand strengthen accessible, equitable and inclusive programsChild Safe Workshopsand services that are representative of all members of theSouthern Metro Junior Football League Victorian Community.Revised and updated suite of Board policies Ice Sports Victoria Developed a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Review the ISV Board Charter to meet the needs of memberMelbourne Victory Football Club sports Child Safe WorkshopLacrosse VictoriaDevelop a Participation Strategy for Lacrosse Victoria to introduce the Lacrosse Sixes format into their club network11'