b'CHAIRMANSMESSAGE I am certain that following theWe know only too well that sport andfor your ongoing support and challenging year we all had inrecreational activity enriches our lives,contributions. Your enthusiasm 2020, that we were all lookinggives us purpose, builds a sense ofand passion are important to our forward to what 2021 wouldcommunity and helps balance ourambitions. It is for you that we are mental and physical well-being. Thathere. I am optimistic about the have in store for us and yet hereis why we have continued to deliveropportunities that will come out of we are once again, experiencingmessages of hope and encouragethese difficult times. the impact of COVID-19 onphysical activity during the lockdown our lives, our families, ourin whatever form that takes.Finally, I would like to formally acknowledge the efforts of our relationships, our well-being andWe are fortunate to have suchdedicated and hardworking executive our health. partnerships with Sport andteam led by our exceptional CEO Recreation Victoria and VicHealth andLisa Hasker. This small but effective What has made it all the more difficultwe thank them both for their supportteam has worked tirelessly through this time around is that we began toand commitment to Vicsport. We arethe most difficult of times. Their experience a semblance of normalityalso very grateful for the support wededication and commitment as well only to have then returned back intoreceive from the Minister, the Hon.as their determination to be totally lockdown repeatedly.Ros Spence MP, and her team. supportive of the entire Victorian We know that this is taking its tollI would like to extend my gratitudesports community has, I know, made on our members. Vicsport has hadto my fellow board members; Deputysignificant positive difference to so one of its busiest years due toChair Susan Smith, Tanya Gallina,many. We will look back on this year this because we firmly believe inCatherine Harding, Jamie Parsons,as one of growth and achievement the importance of supporting theSimon Brookhouse, Peter Filopoulos,through adversity.community. Rochelle Eime, Rayoni Nelson and We have also completed andCarrie Wong (ex Officio). launched our strategic plan at aA big thank you as well to our time where it has never been moremembers, SSAs, RSAs, LGAs and important to ensure the value in thepreferred suppliers and partners in services we offer and our relevance inparticular:supporting our members. To realiseSport and Recreation Victoriaour vision for a thriving Victorian sports industry, we will focus ourVicHealth Ron Gauci / Chairmanefforts on advocating for the needsAED Authority VICSPORTof our members as well as providingAFL SportsReadysupport and capacity building services.BunningsCentre for Sport and Social Impact, The concern I have is the long-term impact of COVID-19 as we seeLa Trobe University more people, particularly childrenDeakin Universityand young adults, finding interestsGallagheraway from sport and recreationalGameDayactivity. This in turn has a flow onGlobal Wellness Trackingeffect of taking volunteers away from the community. We must remainHR Advice Onlinecommitted to ensuring that physicalInvolve Creativeexercise through sport opportunitiesISCremains a priority. Lander and RogersMy plea to you as we return to regularMy Sport Livesporting activities is that we supportProud 2 Playour participants, volunteer to serve wherever possible and be respectfulrebelof all our volunteers and officials asSouthern Cross Trophieswithout them, we have no abilitySports Accounting Australiato deliver our services on or off the fields of play. SportsGroupSportspeople Recruitment Victorian Responsible Gambling FoundationVictoria UniversityP02|Vicsport Annual Review 20/21'