b'ANNUAL REVIEWTHE YEAR 20 21IN REVIEWMEMBER PROTECTIONLGBTIQ+VICTORIAN CHILDRENS SPORT INFORMATION OFFICER (MPIO)Vicsport is committed to providing aINDUSTRY WORKING GROUPNETWORKplace in sport for everyone, exactlyVicsport, in conjunction with Little Vicsport, with funding support fromas they are. To that end, Vicsport hasAthletics Victoria, facilitated the SRV, facilitated the MPIO Networkcontinued its partnership with ProudVictorian Childrens Sport Industry consisting of SSAs, RSAs and key2 Play, an organisation focused onWorking Group. This working group stakeholder staff working in andincreasing LGBTIQ+ engagement inmet twice during 2020-21 on an as-around member protection issues insport, exercise and active recreation.needed basis and discussed issues Victoria. During the year, the NetworkA new sector-wide initiative andincluding:had access to: strategy to help Victorian sportImpact of COVID-19 on junior sport Two Industry Forums organisations enact LGBTIQ+Junior sport vouchers -Supporting Mental Health &inclusion was created with theOpportunities for knowledge Rainbow Roadmap outlining a five-Release of the Sport Integritystep plan for organisations to achievesharing and collaborationFramework (30 March, 2021) rainbow ready status- meaningAdvocacy of needs to government-Managing Conflict. In partnershipLGBTIQ+ practices, processesand key stakeholders with the Dispute Settlementand policies are embedded intoThe information and discussion from Centre of Victoria. (9 June, 2021) core business. Following an onlinethis group further informs Vicsports Two newsletters containing recapslaunch of the Roadmap in June that broader strategic and advocacy of previous meetings, informationfeatured Tennis Australia CEO Craigagenda.on upcoming meetings andTiley and OneAthletics CEO Kate available online courses to improvePalmer, 60 organisations and over 115 MPIO protocols individuals signed up. With support Resources (via Play by the Rules) from VicHealth and Regional Sport Victoria, Vicsport and Proud 2 Play will work with those organisations Help desk assistance to manage member protection issues that have pledged their dedication to achieve rainbow ready status by 2023.VICTORIAN SPORT-HEALTHVicsport also supported and NETWORKpromoted Proud 2 Plays Resource Hub, an Australian-first e-learning In partnership with VicHealth,course developed with Play by Vicsport coordinated four meetingsthe Rules that featured a range of the Victorian Sport-Healthof resources including tip sheets, Network. The Network provides aposters and checklists to create an platform for government and non- LGBTIQ+ inclusive sports club. Our profit organisations with a purposepresence in the Rainbow Sports relating to healthier communitiesAlliance, a Proud 2 Play facilitated and working to create healthyworking group consisting of SSAs environments through sport andand other organisations that work recreation. Each session involvescollaboratively to enhance LGBTIQ+ networking, case studies and projectinclusion across the Victorian sports collaboration. The Network includeslandscape, has also continuedRegional Sport Victoria, the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Australian & Drug Foundation (Goodsports program), Transport Accident Commission (TAC), WorkSafe, Monash Health, Club Respect and Pride Cup.Vicsport Annual Review 20/21|P09'