STRATEGIC OVERVIEW  Industry prosperity and workforce development (paid & volunteer). Supporting the workforce to deliver sport & adapt to new delivery models. Building member capacity. Improving governance and commercial capability.  Demonstrating and advocating the health, cultural, social, economic and mental wellbeing benefits of sport to the whole-of-government and relevant agencies.  Increasing opportunities for physical activity, participation and membership for all Victorians.  Promoting innovative, flexible program design and delivery. Promoting safe, fair and inclusive sporting environments at all levels. P R I O R I T Y 1 P A RTICIPATION PRIORITY 2 I N D U S T R Y PRIORITY 4 A D V O C A C Y P R I O R I T Y 3 S A F E , FA IR & INCLUSIVE O R G A N ISATION INDUSTRY INDIVI D U A L S STRATEGIC PLAN 2017 – 2020 More Victorians enjoying the benefits of sport. 07